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Criterion 6

6.2.2 Documents

       1. Audited statements for expenses towards e-governance

       2. ERP Documents

       3. UUCMS Manual

       4. Other documents

6.3.3 _1. Faculty participation certificates of FDPs

2018-19     2019-20    2020-21    2021-22    2022-23

6.4.1 Document for financial resource mobilisation

6.4.2: 1. Funds received other than research and Alumni grants

          2. Funds from government and non-government agencies: Sanction Letters

6.4.3. Documents of internal and external audits

         1. Stock verification reports

          2. Internal audits_sample reports

          3. External audit report_sample

6.5.2 Reviewing the teaching learning process: documents



1 Proccedings of IQAC Meetings (2-22-23)

6.4.3. (AQAR) Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds



I. AAA NIRF and Programmes of IQAC Initiatives

II. List of Seminar, Conference, Workshop and other activities with some photographs

III. List, reports and photographs of activities of IQAC Initiatives

       1_MOUs and Collaborative activities.pdf

       2_List of activites and reports with photos_doc-1.pdf

       3_Photos and reports_doc-3.pdf