Name | Gouri Deshpande |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Email – Id | |
Qualification | MSc,KSET Ph.D |
No. of Publications |
Educational Qualification:
Educational Qualification:
- PhD thesis entitled ‘Analysis of Molecular Constituents in some Renal Calculi’
submitted to Karnatak University, Dharwad
- MSc (Physics): 2011-2013, Karnatak University, Dharwad
o Grade and specialization: First Class with Distinction (78%), Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
- KSET, University of Mysore
Work Experience:
Sl.No | Institution Name / Employer Name | Designation / Department | Period |
1 | 2year | ||
2 | |||
3 |
Sl. No. | Title | Name of Journal | Date of Publication | Volume No./Issue No./Page No. |
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 |
- J. Tonannavar, GouriDeshpande, JayashreeYenagi, Siddanagouda B. Patil, Nikhil A. Patil, B.G.Mulimani.Identification of mineral compositions in some renal calculi by FT Raman and IR spectral analysis”. SpectrochimicaActa Part A Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 154, 20-26, (2016) [Impact Factor: 4.098] [Citations: 22]
- GouriDeshpande, JayashreeTonannavar, J. Tonannavar, Siddanagouda B. Patil, B.G.Mulimani, IR analysis and classification based on morpho-constitutional properties of urinary calculi, IJRAR, 8(4), (2021), 112-117, https://www.ijcrt.org/IJRAR21D1016.pdf.
- Rani, N., Chinnasamy, T., HalasumaneSwamy, V., GouriDeshpande, Raghu Ram Achar, Evidence of new calcium-dependent cysteine protease of Meliadubia latex with fibrinolytic potential. J Proteins Proteom 12, 115–123 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42485-021-00064-z
- GouriDeshpande, JayashreeTonannavar, J. Tonannavar, Siddanagouda B. Patil, Vinay S. Kundargi, SantoshPatil, B.G. Mulimani, S. NarayanaKalkura, J. RamanaRamya, K. Thanigai Arul, Detection of the mineral constituents in human renal calculi by vibrational spectroscopic analysis combined with allied techniques Powder XRD, TGA, SEM, IR imaging and TXRF, SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 270, (2022), 120867
- Anti-Aging Drugs, Candidates, and Food Supplements- The journey so far Raghu Ram Achar, Rithwick Surya, S Chandan, KC Sumukhs, HS Vikas, G Harini, DeshpandeGouri,. 2022
- Ekaterina VladimirovnaSilina , Victor AlexandrovichStupin , Igor SergeevichAbramov , Sergey BrankovichBolevich , GouriDeshpande , Raghu Ram Achar and Tatiana GeorgievnaSinelnikova, Oxidative Stress and Free Radical Processes in Tumor and Non-Tumor Obstructive Jaundice: Influence of Disease Duration, Severity and Surgical Treatment on Outcomes, 29, 32-51, 2022
M.Phil / Ph.D Thesis:
Sl.No | Title | Guide Name | Institution | Month/Year |
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 |
Sl. No | Name of the Project | Description |
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2 | ||
3 |
Papers Presented at Conferences:
- GouriDeshpande, JayashreeYenagi, J. Tonannavar, S.B. Patil, Molecular Spectral Analysis of some Renal Calculi, 5th International Conference on Prospectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy Proceedings, 2014, PP-060, 89
- GouriDeshpande, JayashreeYenagi and J.Tonannavar, SiddanagoudaB.Patil , Nikhil Patil,, and B.G. Mulimani,Laser Raman and IR modes as discriminator and identifier of molecular mineral species in human bladder renal calculi,DAE- BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-24) Proceedings, 2015, CP-10.8, 178
- GouriDeshapande, JayashreeYenagi, J.Tonannavar, SiddanagoudaB.Patil, Nikhil A. Patil ,Vinay S. Kundargi, IR and Raman analysis of Urinary Bladder Calculi, 6thInternational Conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy Proceedings, 2016, PP-032, 16
Workshops/Conferences Attended:
- Workshop on Electrochemical AFM & its applications 25th June 2014, IISc, Bangalore
- AFM Workshop on 8th and 9th June 2015 at University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad.
- Two day workshop on Basic Rietveld Refinement at SIT, Tumkur 24-25th March 2017.
- International seminar on “Application of Physics in Biosciences” organized by Rajaram college Kolhapur, on 23rd June, 2020
- National Webinar on “Raman Effect and its Applications” organized by the Department of Studies in Physics, Davangere University, Davangere on 25th June, 2020