Name | Dr. Susmitha B |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Email – Id | susmithab81@gmail.com |
Qualification | MSW, Ph.D |
No. of Publications | 10 |
Educational Qualification:
Sl.No | Qualification/Programme | Institution / University | Year of Passed Out /Period |
1 | MSW, Ph.D | University of Mysore |
Work Experience:
Sl.No | Institution Name / Employer Name | Designation / Department | Period |
1 | JSS College of Arts Commerce and Science | Assistant Professor |
Sl.No | Title | Name of Journal | Date of Publication | Volume No./Issue No./Page No. |
1 | Self Help Groups and Group Dynamics: A Comparative Analysis of NGO promoted Groups and GO Promoted groups in Chamarajanagar District of Karnataka | Journal of Global Values | August 2014 | Vol-5,No-2, pp25 |
2 | Record Maintenance in Self Help Groups: A Comparative study of Government Promoted Groups and Non Governmental Organizations Promoted Groups | Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science | November 2014 | Vol-39, NO-2, PP 1 |
3 | Economic Em-powerment of women Through Self Help Groups:A Comparative study of Government Promoted Groups and Non Governmental Organizations Promoted Groups: | JSSCM journal | November 2014 | Vol 3, No.2, PP; 33-39 |
4 | Self help Groups and Empowerment of Women | Global Journal for Research Analysis | April 2014 | Vol 4, No.4, Pp: 1-3 |
5 | Women Empowerment in Urban Karnataka | Published in an edited book titled “Urbanization and Economic Development” edited by k.D. Guar and HaldarSharma | 2012 | Pp: 416-430 |
6 | Academic Pressure During Adolescence: Issues and Concerns | International Journal of Advanced Research | August 2015 | Vol 3, Issue 8, Pp: 51-6 |
7 | Land Rights of Women in Karnataka: The contrast between written and Customary Law | Global Journal for Research Analysis | November 2016 | Vol 5, Issue 1 Pp: 38 |
8 | Domestic Violence: Causes, Impact and Remedial Measures, Social Change | Social Change | December 2016 | Volume 46, Issue 4, P602-610 |
9 | Health Status of women in Karnataka: An Analysis, | Samaja Karyada Hejjegalu | January 2017 | Vol VII, Issue 1, PP: 1-155 |
10 | Prevalence of Suicide | Journal of Media | February | Special Issue PP 516-5 |
M.Phil / Ph.D Thesis:
Sl.No. | Title | Guide Name | Institution | Month Year |
1 | A Comparative Study on the Impact of Self Help Groups Promoted by Governmental Organizations and Non governmental Organizations on Women | Dr.R.Shivappa | University of Mysore | June 2017 |
Sl.No | Name of the Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop | Type of Program | Title of the Article | Role | Venue/place | Date |
1 | Disaster Management: Preparedness, Response and Rehabilitation” | international conference | Emotional Impacts of the Disaster and Psychosocial Interventions | Paper Presenter | National Geophysical Research Institutes Hyderabad | 18thto 20th October 2012 |
2 | DYUTI 2013 Global Public Health and Social Work | International Conference | Impact of SHG participation on Health Practices of Women | Paper Presenter | Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Cochin, Kerala | 3rdto 5th January 2013 |
3 | Sustainable Livelihood and Poverty Alleviation: Social Work Responses and Challenges | National Conference | Globalization, Sustainable Livelihoods and Social Work Paper Presenter | Paper Presenter | Department of Studies and Research in Social Work Tumkur university | 26th and 27th March |
4 | Sustainability in Agriculture Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies Ahead | National Conference | Impact of Modern Agriculture on Biodiversity | Paper Presenter | JSS College of Arts, commerce and Science, Ooty Road Mysore | 19th to 23rd December 2016 |
5 | Social Work Education and Practice in the Contemporary India and Abroad | National Conference | Health Status of Women in Karnataka: An Analysis | Paper Presenter | XL Indian Academy of Social Sciences and University of Mysore | 19th to 23rd December 2016 |
6 | National Seminar on Strategies for inclusion of focused group children in school Education | National Conference | Social Work Interventions for Main streaming focused group Children | Paper Presenter | NIRD PR Rajendranagar, Hyderabad | 21st and 22nd December 2016 |
7 | Health, Gender and Rural Development: Research, Practice and Policy | National Conference | Anemia Amongst Women In India: An Analysis | Paper Presenter | IASSH and NIRD,Hyderabad | 16-18November 2017 |
8 | Issues of Social Development- A social Work Response | National Conference | Prevalance of Suicide and the Need for Social Work Intervention | Paper Presenter | DOS in Social Work, Manasagangotri Mysore | February 16-17 2017 |