Name | Ms. Aishwarya.N |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Email – Id | aishu9443@gmail.com |
Qualification | M.Sc., |
No. of Publications | 5 |
Educational Qualification:
Sl.No | Qualification/Programme | Institution / University | Year of Passed Out /Period |
1 | M.Sc., | DR. B.R. Ambedkar Post graduate center, Suvarna Gangothri, Chamarajnagar | 2020 |
Work Experience:
Sl.No | Institution Name / Employer Name | Designation / Department | Period |
1 | Bright PU College, Chamarajanagar | Lecturer | 2021-2022 |
2 | JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science | Assistant Professor | 2021 - Till Date |
Sl. No. |
Title |
Name of Journal |
Date of Publication |
Volume No/Issue No/Page No |
01. | Airborn Internet | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. (IRJET) | 15-Apr-2024 | Volume 11, Issue 4 , https://www.irjet.net/archives/V11/i4/IRJET-V11I434.pdf |
02. | Drivers Drowsiness detection System | International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology (IJEAST) | 18-Apr-2024 | Volume 8, Issue 4 , https://www.ijeast.com/papers/129-131,%20Tesma0812,IJEAST.pdf |
03. | Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning | International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) | 15-June-2024 | Volume 12, Issue 4, https://www.ijaresm.com/uploaded_files/document_file/Sushma_BcNsd.pdf |
04. | Android Application for Blind People to Detect Objects | International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology (IJSART) | 03-May-2024 | Volume 10, Issue 5, https://ijsart.com/Content/PDFDocuments/IJSARTV10I590855.pdf |
05. | Sea Marine Harvesting and Bidding Guidelines Management System | International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology (IJSART) | 05-June-2024 | Volume 10, Issue 5, https://ijsart.com/Home/IssueDetail?id=90882 |