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Postgraduate Department of Biotechnology has been established in the year 2005. Over the years the department has seen exponential growth and has established its credentials both in the field of Teaching, Research and also in imparting skills required for Biotech/Biopharma industries. Our vision has been to impart quality education to budding biotech professionals and also foster strong interdisciplinary Research in frontier areas of biotechnology. Qualified and dedicated faculty members form the backbone for teaching and research endeavors at our department.

Contact Details Of HOD :

Name : Dr. B Y Sathish Kumar

Phone Number : 9242208001



The objective of Masters of Science in Biotechnology program is to provide a broad overview of biotechnology, and thus produce graduates with 

sufficient knowledge and expertise to apply them in basic biosciences research and teaching.

The program has following specific objectives:

1. To provide an intensive and in-depth knowledge to the students in diverse areas of basic biotechnology

2. To impart knowledge and skills necessary to biopharma sector

3. To train the students to take up wide variety of roles like researchers, scientists, and academicians

4. To provide the students hands on training for the technical review and literature search for designing research problems

5. To develop skills to become bio-entrepreneurs and to develop human resources for biotech industries

Programmes Offered: 
  • Master of Science in Biotechnology (M.Sc., Biotechnology)
  • Ph.D. in Biotechnology
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Protein Expression and Scale-up. (PGDPES) – Under Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Programme (BiSEP) - A Govt. of Karnataka funded and Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India supported programme Postgraduate Department of Biotechnology is equipped with state-of-art laboratory and class rooms. At present, its student intake capacity is 40 for M.Sc. and 20 for PGDPES programme. Postgraduates from this department have competed to get entry into the prestigious institutions such as IIT Delhi; IISc, Bangalore; CFTRI, Mysore; IICT, Hyderabad; BIOCON Research Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Kemwell Biopharma, Bangalore; Thermofisher Scientific Ltd., Bangalore, etc. for their study at Doctoral level and for jobs. Many of our postgraduate students qualify in various national fellowship programs such as UGC-CSIR NET, GATE, BCIL, BiSEP, etc.
  • The curriculum is designed keeping in view industry requirements as well as international standards. We also have industry collaborators such as Biocon Research Pvt. Ltd., Prosetta Bioconformatics Pvt. Ltd., Novozymes India Pvt. Ltd., etc., who have been involved in designing of syllabi to meet the ever changing scenario in biotechnology. Apart from providing in depth knowledge of core biotechnology subjects the students are provided with additional training in soft skills, opportunities to explore extracurricular activities to provide a holistic and enriching experience to students. Faculty members of the Department are involved in interdisciplinary research in frontier areas such as Natural and Synthetic therapeutic agents, Cancer Biology, Stress Physiology, Glycobiology, Nanotechnology, etc. The grant of research activities includes Projects, Patents and Research Publications.


The objective of Masters of Science in Biotechnology program is to provide a broad overview of biotechnology, and thus produce graduates with 

sufficient knowledge and expertise to apply them in basic biosciences research and teaching.

The program has following specific objectives:

1. To provide an intensive and in-depth knowledge to the students in diverse areas of basic biotechnology

2. To impart knowledge and skills necessary to biopharma sector

3. To train the students to take up wide variety of roles like researchers, scientists, and academicians

4. To provide the students hands on training for the technical review and literature search for designing research problems

5. To develop skills to become bio-entrepreneurs and to develop human resources for biotech industries

Programme Outcome: 

 After studying this programme, the students are able to:

PO1: Develop interpersonal skills, written and oral communication and also to improve their body language and eye contact during presentations.

PO2: Develop leadership qualities and to respect the others idea and take decisions for the welfare of the society.

PO3: Uphold the moral values in the society.

PO4: Design the experiments to solve the current problems in the society related to health, environment and industries. PO5: Write the research papers, project proposals and application of mathematics in understanding biological science.

PO5: To make the students develop interpersonal skills, written and oral communication and also to improve their body language and eye contact during presentations.

PO6: To train the students in group discussions to develop leadership qualities and to respect the others idea and take the decisions for the welfare of society.

PO7: To teach the students not to demoralize the others ideas and not to differentiate the intelligent and the ignorant, poor and the rich and to uphold the moral values in the society.

PO8: Upon completion of course students will have the ability to design the experiments to solve the current problems in the society related to health, environment and industries.

PO9: To make the students competent enough to write the research papers, project proposals and application of mathematics in understanding biological science.


  Syllabus of 2016-18:-          Click Here For Detailed Syllabus

  Syllabus of 2024:-               Click Here For Detailed Syllabus

  Syllabus of Open Elective:- Click Here For Detailed Syllabus 

Supporting Staff: 

Supporting Staff: 

MR. Mahadev


Research Centre Recognition

The Department is recognized as Research Centre to carry out research leading to Ph.D. Degree in Biotechnology of University of Mysore.


The Department has entered into MoU with Biotech and Biopharma companies for training, internship, placement, etc.

Placements and Internship: 

Postgraduates from JSS Biotechnology are currently employed in some of the leading firms in the related industries. Some of the companies/R & D institutes where the students have been employed in India are:

  • Prosetta Bioconformatics; Biocon; Kemwell Biopharma; Novozymes, Thermo Fisher, Stelis Biopharma, Syngene, Mylon, Quintiles, etc.
  • IISc; CFTRI; DFRL, etc.
Other Activities: 


Organized a “Intellectual Property Awareness Programme” on 21 july 2023.


Laboratory Facilities

The Biotechnology laboratories are specialized and equipped to conduct advanced practicals and research work. Some specialized laboratories include: Plant Tissue Culture, Downstream Processing, Animal Cell Culture, Microbiology and general laboratories to conduct experiments related to Immunology, Cell & Molecular Biology, Genomics, Nano-biotechnology, etc.

The laboratories are equipped with state-of-art equipments like Gel documentation system, CO2 Incubator, -80o C Refrigerator, -20oC Refrigerator, Elisa readers, Ultracentrifuge, Tissue homogenizer, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, UV-VIS Microplate Spectrophotometer, Gradient Thermal Cyclers, Type I Water Systems, Inverted Phase Contrast Microscope, Lyophilizer, PCR, Ice Flaking Machine, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Refrigerated Shaker Incubator, Electrophoresis systems (vertical and horizontal), Shaker Water Baths, Media Filtration systems, Fermenter, Biosafety Cabinet, Fluroscent Microscope, Real Time PCR, 2D Electrophoretic Unit, Blotting Unit, Speed Vacuum Concentrator, Fraction Collector, Semipreparative HPLC system.


Credit matrix for Master’s Degree Program in Biotechnology

The present scheme and syllabus under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Continuous Assessment Grading Pattern (CAGP) is as given in the table below. Students are provided extensive opportunities to deliver seminars and group discussion. A Research Project during the final semester will create a platform to the students to think, design, and execute a small research work.

Course Type

Credits to be earned

Total Credits


I Semester

II Semester

III Semester

IV Semester

Hard Core Course






Soft Core Course





Open Elective Course



Semester Total






Detailed Syllabus for the year 2018-19


SL.NO Faculty Name e-Content With Title
1 Dr. Bhavya G

Unit 4 Bioenergertics

Unit 4 Radioactivity - bioanalytical techniques.