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Dr.Ramyashree M

Name Dr.Ramyashree M
Designation Assistant Professor
Email – Id
Qualification M.Sc , Ph.D
No. of Publications 09
Educational Qualification: 
Sl.No Qualification/Programme Institution / University Year of Passed Out /Period
1 M.Sc University of Mysore 2008
2 Ph.D University of Mysore 2014
Work Experience: 
Sl.No Institution Name / Employer Name Designation / Department Period
1 JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science Assistant Professor 2014 till date
Sl. No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No./Issue No./Page No.
1 Solid waste management practices in private educational institutions of Mysore, India International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology April 2023

Vol 10, Issue 4 DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10412

ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588 Journal IF – 8.066

2 Avifaunal diversity in and around Belagola Village, Mandya District

Book Chapter “Birds Around Us Science and Emotion”

Dec 2022

Bharti Publications, New Delhi

ISBN: 978-93-94779-62-4

3 Toxicological effect of Ricinus communis aqueous leaf extract on the
locomotor activities in Drosophila melanogaster
Advances in Bioresearch July 2022 Vol 13(4) July 2022 Pp 175-181
ISSN (P) 0976-4585 ISSN(O) 2277-1573
4 A study on the diversity of Spiders in different localities of Mysore
city, Karnataka
Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology (Web of Science) 2021 (ISSN 0970-2091) Special Vol2(1); 256-262
5 Ethnomedicinal value of Opuntia elatior fruit extract and its effects on mice Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012 Vol – 5, Issue – 8, pp-4554-4558
6 Reproductive toxicity of Opuntia fruit extract in male Swiss albino mice International Journal of Advanced Biological Research 2013 3(3): 464 - 469
7 Antifertility effects of Madhucaindica leaves in male Swiss albino rats Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011  
8 Studies on the antifertility effect of Cyamopsis psoralioides(pod) in male Swiss albino mice The Bioscan 2009 4(2): 305-309
9 Evaluation of antifertility potential of Cyamopsis psoralioides in male Swiss albino mice Journal of Cytology and Genetics 2009 11: 31-44
M.Phil / Ph.D Thesis: 
Sl.No Title Guide Name Institution Year
1 Efficacy of Opuntia elatior fruit extract in reducing the fertility of male Swiss albino mice Prof.Shivabasavaiah DOS in Zoology, University of Mysore 2014


Sl.No Name of the Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop Type of Program Role Venue/place Date
1 National Symposium on Comparative Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology:Current advances Symposium Poster presentation Mumbai 17-19 Dec 2009
2 International Symposium on Endocrinology and Reproduction: Molecular Mechanisms to Molecular Medicine and 28thMeeting of the Society for Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology Symposium Participated New Delhi Feb - 2010
3 National Level Workshop on Bioinformatics, Taxonomic Awareness in the Current Biotechnological Scenario Workshop Participated Department of Zoology St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 23-24 April 2010
4 Work shop on “Promotion of research in colleges” Workshop Participated JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science ooty road Mysore 14-03-2015
5 Indian Science Congress Association Conference Participated University of Mysore 02-07 Jan 2016
6 State Level Science Exhibition   Participated JSSCACS Ooty road Mysore 20-22 August 2016
7 Workshop choice based credit system Workshop Participated JSSCACS Ooty road Mysore 11-03-2017
8 Conference Science and Technology Conference Participated JSSCACS Ooty road Mysore 24-25 November 2017
9 UGC Sponsored One Day Orientation Programme on Quality of Higher Education, Importance of Research and ICT – Enabled Teaching for UG & PG Teachers, organized by IQAC Orientation programme Participated JSSCACS Ooty road Mysore 30th November 2017
10 Workshop on “Food fishes of Karnataka" Workshop Participated Bharathi 31stJanuary
11 UGC Sponsored One day Workshop on “Capacity Building” Workshop Participated JSSCACS Ooty road Mysore 24 th March,
12 Faculty Induction Programme Orientation
Participated JSSCACS Ooty
road Mysore
06-07 Nov,
13 “BorderlessBiology:FromBasicstoBusiness” InternationalWorkshop Participated JSS Academy ofHigherEducation andResearch 18th-20thDecember2019
14 Workshopon“Handlingandcare of laboratory animals inaccordance with ethicalguidelinesforresearch” Workshop Participation 

University ofMysore andCentral animalfacility,DOSin Zoology,Manasagangot


15 NewIPR2023 e-Workshop e-Workshop Participation



16 NationalSeminaronResearchmethodology NationalSeminar Participation


Ooty road,Mysore
