Name | Dr.Kalpana B S |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Email – Id | kalpanabsmsw@gmail.com |
Qualification | MSW, Ph.D |
No. of Publications | 19 |
Sl.No | Qualification/Programme | Institution / University | Year of Passed Out /Period |
1 | Ph.D | Davangere University | 2023 |
2 | MSW | Davangere University | 2013 |
Sl.No | Institution Name / Employer Name | Designation / Department | Period |
1 | Goutham College of Science | Assistant Professor | 2015-2017 |
2 | Davangere University | Lecture | 2013-2015 |
2 | JSS College of Arts Commerce and Science | Assistant Professor | 2025-till date |
Research Publications: |
Contribution in edited book chapters |
Sl. No. |
Title of the Article |
Title of the Book |
Editor |
Publisher |
Year |
1 |
Need for Skill Development in Empowering Women–ARoleof Skill India Mission |
HigherEducation: Challenges and Responsibilitiesof Stakeholders |
Dr.Gururaj. Navalagund.Asst Professor in Kannada, Sjmvs College ForWomen,Hubballi |
SjmvsArtsand Commerce College for Women,Hubli |
2020 |
2 |
RoleofSocialMedia to originate positive public relations and effective social impact |
ISBN:978-93- 89488-31-9 |
Dr. Vinod A S AssistantProfessor Mahatma Gandhi college, Kerala, India |
Wizcraft publications& Distributions |
2020 |
3 |
“Challenges Involved in the Developmentof Schedule Caste Women” |
“Innovative Research in Languages and SocialSciences (ISBN:978-81- 951982-6-7 |
Dr. Prabhakar Singh Department of English. N. Govt. P. G. College,Khandwa, M. P. |
Bhumi Publishing, |
2021 |
4 |
Gender - Based Violence in the CircumstanceofCovid-19Pandemicand Lockdown |
Covid-19crisisIn India. (ISBN:978-93-91284-02-2 |
Dr.DhirajSingh |
Adhyaya Publisherand distributerDelhi |
2021 |
5 | Gender in equalities and elimination of discrimination against women |
Sustainable developmenting recent scenario issues and challenges 978-81-945326-0-6 |
SBBoreGowdaIQACCELL Governmentfirst grade college Koppa,Maddur: tqMandya |
IQACCELL Governmentfirst grade college Koppa, Maddur: tqMandya |
2021 |
International and National Journals
Sl.no | Title of The Article | Name of The Journal | Vol./No | Year |
1 | Enhancing Organizational Sustainability Through Green HR | Studies in Indian Place Names(UGC Care Journal) | ISSN:2394-3114 Vol-40-Issue-67- | March-2020 |
2 | Awareness of Technological and Trends InTechnology | JuniKhyat (UGC Care Group I Listed Journal |
ISSN:2278-4632 Vol-10Issue-5No. 12 I F: 6.625 |
May2020 |
3 | Impact of Covid-19 On Society and Need for Social Work Intervention | MuktShabd Journal |
ISSNNO:2347- 3150VolumeIX, Issue VI, Impact Factor: 4.6 |
June/2020 |
4 | Accelerating Sustainability Through Green Marketing | International Journal of Academic Research |
Volume7,Issue- 11(2),ISSN:2348- 7666;ImpactFactor: 6.232 |
November, 2020 |
5 | Challenges for Human Resource Management Professionals During Covid- 19 Crisis- | International Journal of Academic Research |
Volume7,Issue- 12(3),ImpactFactor:6.232 |
December, 2020 |
6 | Elimination of Discrimination Against Women- A Shared Value of Social Work & Feminism | International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology |
ISSN No:-2456- 2165Volume5,Issue12, Impact Factor: SJIF=6.253 |
December 2020 |
7 |
EmpowermentofScheduled Tribe Women Through KarnatakaMaharshiValmiki Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation |
(UGCCareGroupI Listed Journal) |
Vol-10Issue-12 No.02 Impact Factor: 6.625 |
December 2020 |
8 |
Incorporating Recent Trends in Social Work curriculum “Corporate Social Responsibility&SocialWork” |
InternationalJournalof Creative Research and Thoughts (IJCRT) |
Volume9,Issue1, ImpactFactor:7.97 |
January 2021 |
9 |
Need of Community Intervention for Promoting Sustainability During PandemicCrisiswithSpecial Reference to Agriculture |
IOSR Journal of HumanitiesandSocial Science(IOSR-JHSS) |
E-ISSN:2279-0837, P-ISSN: 2279- 0845.Volume26, Issue1,Series9 ImpactFactor:4.621 |
(January. 2021)23-27 |
10 |
PoliticalSelfAssertionand Challenges Faced by The Elected Women of India |
International Journal of ResearchandAnalytical Reviews (IJRAR) |
(E-ISSN2348-1269, P-ISSN2349-5138) Volume 8, Issue 3 UGC Approved (JournalNo:43602) &5.75Impact Factor |
August2021 |
11 |
Gender Inequalities in EducationAmongScheduled Tribe of Karnataka |
InternationalJournalof AllResearchEducation and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), |
Volume9,Issue9, Impact Factor: 7.429, |
September- 2021, |
12 |
Participative and Inclusive Society: A Social Work Perspective |
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) |
Vol-09 Issus–4 ISSN:2349-5162 ImpactFactor7.95 |
April-2022 |
13 |
Education as a Means of Social Revolutionin India |
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) |
Vol-10 Issus–1 ISSN:2349-5162 ImpactFactor7.95 |
Jan-2023 |
14 | Impact of Globalization on Social Transformation-A Social Work Perspective | International Journal of novel research and development (IJNRD) |
Vol-8Issus–1ISSN: 2456-4184 ImpactFactor8.76 |
Jan-2023 |
Papers presented in National and international conference/seminars/webinars |
Sl. No . |
Title of Paper |
Name of the Seminar Conference/Workshop |
Sponsor |
Place |
Date |
1 |
Corporate social Responsibility |
National Conference on Social Work Education in India perspectives and challenges |
Road Mistery college of social work and research center(ICSW-TS), Hyderabad |
Hyderabad |
November .18.2016 |
2 |
Social work perspectives and initiativesin eliminationof discriminationagainst women and girl |
Nationalconferenceon social work perspectivesofwomen empowerment |
Departmentof social work, Don Bosco Arts and Science college, Angadikadavuin collaborationwith Kerala Women’s commission |
Angadikadavu, Kerala |
27&28 January 2017 |
3 |
Psychological Adjustmentinelderly |
National Seminar on “Social work and gerontology-Issuesand interventions |
RodaMistery college of social work and research center(ICSW-TS), Hyderabad |
Hyderabad |
30&31 March 2017 |
4 |
Enhancing organizational sustainabilitythrough green HR |
Nationallevel multidisciplinary conferenceonbusiness and humanities- opportunitiesand challenges |
Departmentof commerce and managementand humanities Paul’s college,Bangalore |
Bangalore |
19 February 2020 |
5 |
Need for Skill Development in EmpoweringWomen– A Role of Skill India Mission |
National Seminar on Qualitysubstanceand enhancementinhigher education: challenges andresponsibilitiesof stake holders |
SjmvsArtsAnd Commerce College For Women, Hubli
NAACSponsored |
Hubballi |
28&29 February 2020 |
6 |
Elimination of discriminationagainst women:sharedvalues ofsocialworkand feminism |
NationalSeminaron Problems and perspectives of domesticviolence |
National commissionfor women(NCW)NewDelhi Department of studies in criminologyand forensicscience |
Dharwad |
6&7 March2020 |
7 | Need of Community Intervention for Promoting Sustainability During Pandemic Crisis with Special Reference to Agriculture | International webinar Application of social work methods in pandemic crisis | The catholic University of Eastern Africa and Bharatmatha school of social work,Kerala | Kerala |
1.3,5,8 June2020 |
8 |
challenges for human resource professional duringcovid-19crisis |
Webinar on “Challenges and Opportunities for Business and Economies Worldwide, Post Covid-19”. |
7June 2020 |
9 |
Accelerating Sustainabilitythrough Green Marketing |
TwodaysNationalE Conference on “sustainable developmentinrecent Indianscenario-issues andchallenges”. |
Kempegowda Institute of Management Studiesand Research |
Bangalore |
18AND 19 September2021 |
10 |
Gender in equalities and elimination of discriminationagainst women |
One day multi- disciplinarynational conference on sustainable developmentinrecent globalscenario-issues andchallenges |
IQACCELL Governmentfirst grade college Koppa, Maddur: tqMandya |
Koppa |
18thSeptember 2021 |
11 |
Participative and inclusive Society: Asocial work approach |
Two-day multi-disciplinary national conference on “Indigenization of social science studies in India” | Department of Economics, Davangere University | Davangere | 24th&25th,Feb 2022 |
12 |
Dimensions of self- reliance In empowering women in India: opportunities and challenges |
Two days National conference on Atmanirbhar Bharat opportunities for empowering India | Department of Economics, Tumkur University | Tumkur | 29th&30thApril2022 |
13 |
Counselling and Guidanceasastrategy inthepromotion of appropriatepersonality developmentamong studentsandresearch scholarsin higher educationinstitutions |
Three days annual nationalconferenceon socialworking education withISPSW |
Department of studies and researchinsocial work TUMKUR UNIVERSITY | Tumkur | 23.24.25 of February 2023 |
14 | Corporate Social Responsibility in sustainable community development: A social work approach | Two-days national conference on sustainable development and innovative management practices | Department of studies and research in management in KSOU, Mysuru | Mysuru | 5th and 6th March 2024 |