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The Internal  Committee under the provisions of ‘The Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013’ is constituted in the college.

The College has established the Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell. The Cell intends to take care of complaints from women and solve the problems according to UGC guidelines and Supreme Court orders. The Cell creates awareness on sexual harassment redressal mechanisms. The Cell organizes seminars/special talks and speeches about sexual harassment in the campus. The Cell has formulated a committee called Internal  Committee on Sexual Harassment.

Informal methods would be first adopted to resolve the problems amicably. If necessary, the Committee will conduct detailed enquiry. Humanistic approach will be adopted while dealing with the complaint. Safe and fearless environment will be created to speak openly about the harassment.

Sexual Harassment     

Sexual harassment is about any unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) such as physical contact and advances, demand or request for sexual favours, sexually coloured remarks, showing pornography, or any other unwelcome physical verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.

Sexual harassment is a form of violence against women and a human rights violation. It is a violation of fundamental rights as laid down in the Indian Constitution. Such behaviour transgresses common dignity and gender equality and denies equal opportunity.

According to The Supreme Court definition, sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexually determined behaviour, such as:- 

  • Physical contact 
  • A demand or request for sexual favours 
  • Sexually coloured remarks 
  • Showing pornography 
  • Any other physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature. 
  • Combating sexual harassment can be best achieved by building women's confidence (including conducting self-defence classes on campuses). Students should be enabled to protest against incidents as and when they happen. A sporadic incident can possibly be tackled right away, but all forms of abuse of power or sources of ongoing discomfort and fear based on unwanted sexual attention must be reported to the complaints committee.                                                                                                                

 Redressal Methods                                                                                

  1. Use a standard format for the recording of complaints --if there has been a series of incidents, seek information about all previous incidents; collect evidence like messages, emails and any other relevant documents, including itemised call records.
  2. Reduce oral complaints to writing using the standard format--ensure that the complaint is as far as possible in the words of the complainant. Ensure that all documents submitted by the complainant are authenticated on every page, countersigned by the member of the ICC who has recorded/received the complaint.
  3. Granting interim relief to complainants: addressing requests for transfer, leave, medical care/leave, protections against victimisation.
  4. Implementation of guarantees of confidentiality and principles of natural justice, including serving restraint orders, and interim disciplinary action.
  5. Procedures to be followed in formal enquiry:
  1. Order and manner of inquiry: the necessity of adopting a mode of inquiry whereby the respondent has a full opportunity to understand the case being made out against him before he presents his defence.
  2. Dealing with depositions: verbatim vs. sense-based reduction of oral depositions. Use of questions and answers. Administration of an oath of confidentiality, and signatures on attendance sheets. The necessity of the deposition being explained to the witness in a language she/he can understand, and the use of translation/interpretation. Also, the need for the authentication of depositions (preferably on the same day) by all witnesses, particularly the respondent.
  3. Procedures for the cross-examination of the parties and their witnesses, modulated by the guiding principles of gender-sensitivity and non-coercion. Supply of authenticated and anonymised depositions to both parties.
  4. How to summon and interview official witnesses and access official records.
  1. How to write an enquiry report: The need to address all the aspects of evidence, and depositions with regard to the complaint as well as procedural objections.
  2. Protocols for submitting an enquiry report.                                      


The following principles must be adopted as the directive principles for the institution.

  1. Confidentiality
  2. Non-coercion and Interim Relief
  3. Fair Enquiry
  4. Orientation towards Education and Redressal
  5. Representative Committees                                                                                                                                                                                            

 Activities of the Cell                                                                              

  1. Displays the information about the programmes of the Cell on notice boards of the offices, hostels and departments in the College
  2. Creates awareness on forms of harassments and redressal through the articles, press notes etc.,
  3. Conducts Seminars, Special Talks and Speech Competition    


PDF icon Internal Complaints Committee_Policy_2024-26-.pdf

PDF icon Internal Complaints Committee_2024-26.pdf 


Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) (2024-2026)

The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) for the college has been re-constituted for the term 2024-2026. The ICC aims to create a zero-tolerance environment for sexual harassment, promote gender equality and dignity among all stakeholders, and ensure prompt redressal of complaints. The committee also implements measures to prevent the occurrence of sexual harassment in the college.


Name and Designation

Contact Details

Presiding Officer

Dr. Kumudini Achchi

Associate Professor, PG Department of Social Work

Mob.: 9448504356

Faculty Members

Dr. Mallikarjuna Swamy C

Asst. Professor, PG Dept. of Chemistry

Mob.: 9686950566

Mrs. Meera C

Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Science

Mob.: 9480988762

Non-Teaching Staff

Mr. Mahesh

Assistant Administrative Officer

Mob.: 9731244621

Ms. Smitha


Mob.: 7019434073

Student Representatives

Ms. Apoorva, BCom (I Year)


Ms. Jesintha, MSc Zoology (I Year)


Mr. Vijaya Kumar T (Research Scholar)


External Member

Mrs. Manjula Manasa, Advocate

Mob.: 9448448397



Any aggrieved person may submit a written complaint either through e-mail to or through drop-box to the ICC within three months of the incident.


 Dr. Kumudini Achchi
Assoc. Prof. , Dept. of MSW
JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science
B N Road, Mysuru - 570025
Phone: M: 9448504356