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Presence of an active Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative bodies/committees

Various Student Councils/Clubs in the college from 2018-19 to 2022-23

         Students' Forum/Council, Red Cross Club, Sports Club, Red Ribbon Colub & Students' Cultural Club

         2018-19     2019-20      2020-21     2021-22     2022-23

Students' representation in other bodies:

1. Student representatives in IQAC: Student representatives are participated in IQAC and contributing through their inputs in the IQAC meeting. The opinion/suggestions are utilised for best utilisation for developing the academic and administrative activities of the college. 

The URL of IQAC Composition:

2. Students in Heritage Club: In the Heritage Club of the college, students play a pivotal role in preserving and promoting cultural and historical heritage. They actively participate in organizing and leading various initiatives such as heritage walks, cultural festivals, and workshops that highlight the importance of historical awareness. Students engage in research and documentation, ensuring that valuable traditions and artifacts are recorded for future generations. They also manage social media platforms to reach a wider audience, fostering a community of heritage enthusiasts. Through these activities, students develop leadership, organizational, and communication skills while deepening their understanding and appreciation of their cultural heritage. Their involvement not only enriches their personal growth but also contributes significantly to the cultural vibrancy of the college community.

Documents of activities of Heritage Club:

3.Students in e-Governance Cell: Details can be found at the URL:

4. Students in NSS of the college: Details and reports can be found at the URL

5. Students in NCC of the college: The details are given below

    a. About NCC:

    b. NCC Camps:

    c. NCC Cadets:

6. Sports Club of the college: Student representatives in sports club getting motivated to take part in the activities conducted in University and other levels. College encourages and organizes sports activities very frequently with inclusive efforts of students.