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Services offered

  • Access to printed documents
  • Access to the E-resources List
  • Internet facilities to the users
  • Access to E- Journal list
  • Access to Audio / Video materials
  • Providing OPAC ( Online Public access catalogue) to users
  • News Paper clipping service
  • Inter library Loan
  • Indexing & Abstracting resources
  • Xerox ( Photocopier facility)
  • References / Referral service
  • Articles Index service
  • CD-ROM database search
  • Internet browsing facility
  • Book bank facility



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Circulation Section handles the Front Desk operations of the library and is very important because it is the first contact point for faculty and users to the library. Efficiently functioning Circulation Desk leaves a lasting impression on the user and hence it is very important section of the library. Major Activities of the Section are:

  1. Issue and returns of Learning Resources(Primarily Books)
  2. Attending the Users’ query for effective interpretation of library rules and  regulations
  3. Registration of new members
  4. Inter Library Loan Service
  5. Maintenance of “Circulation Module” of Library Management Software Maintenance and updatation of all data related to library users
  6. Sending Reminders to overdue documents users
  7. Correspondence & No Due issuing
  8. Library Orientations/Information and Digital Literacy
  9. Assisting the users for accessing OPAC and Reference
  10. Managing Counter Operations during Weekends/ Freetime



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  The stack room is located at the left side of the ground floor that facilitates lending of books to the users. The stack has been well organized, maintained and arranged using Dewey Decimal Classification for easy retrieval



   The reference section contains 11500 general reference like Year Books, Directories, Gazetteers, Atlases, Maps, Handbooks, Books on Competition, Entrance exams,Career development and personality development for reference only

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   It maintains 115 subscribed periodicals of which 65 are national and 50 are regional, the current teaching and learning information can be accessed through these resources.





It maintains 15 subscribed news papers of which 8 are national and 7 are Regional. The current information can be accessed through news papers.


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Reading room facility available with 80 seating capacity

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  • This section contains 650 reference like Year Books, DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEADIAS Directories, Gazetteers, Atlases, Handbooks, Books on Competition, Entrance exams, Career development and personality development


The Library and information Centre is well developed with recent editions and it was fully  Computerized with Barcode technology

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Faculty and students are eligible to become members to the Library



Each member is issued with a photo Identity cum Library Membership Ticket and books are issued for 15 days for students and 30 days for faculty. The number of borrowing books by members may vary from category to category.



 A collection of recent text books are available for circulation to the SC/ST or economical backward students to meet their examination needs. The books will be issued after payment double of the book cost, based on the recommendation of the HOD for a semester. Students who fail to clear their examination even after two attempts are not eligible for book bank scheme.



  • Library and Information Centre is implemented from Newgenlib Software for search books, it will enable for the users’ entry, circulation, Stock verification, and stock rectification.


Value Added Services

  • Inter-Library Loan
  • Question Papers
  • Career Guidance council
  • Collection of  JSS Publications
  • Soft copying services
  • Competitive Exam  Books