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Social Work


The Postgraduate Department of Social Work offers Masters and PhD Programmes to produce meritorious, skilled ambitious and professionally trained manpower to work in the areas of HRM, Medical & Psychiatric Social Work and Community Development

  • First department started in 2001
  • Offers quality theoretical and practical training
  • Good network with NGOs / Industries / Institutions
  • Experienced teachers to support students learning
  • To provide opportunities through intensive field practicum
  • To promote knowledge and skills in research

PG Departments of Social Work

  1. Name of the programme offered:
  1. PG Programme in Social Work
  2. PhD programme in Social Work
  1. Lists of PO, PSO and Cos
POID  PO 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21  
44609 Develop the capacity to undertake Research
  1. 21
40.21 41.32 42.45  
44601 Develop the skills and capacities to work in a multidisciplinary team
  1. 04


45.04 46.04  
44593 Develop the capacity to project self as a professional. 51.89 52.89 53.89 54.89  
44599 Equipped with the knowledge of Social dynamism 41.27 42.27 43.28 44.28  
44594 Equipped to work in various fields of Social Work 40.21 41.21 42.40 43.40  
44605 Imbibed with the core values and principles of Social Work
  1. 42
58.42 59.34 59.44  


Detailed Syllabus For Social Work(2017-18 to 2021-22)

Research projects & publications

Details are provided in the CV of Individual faculty

Scheme /Credit Matrix 

The present scheme and syllabus under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Continuous Assessment Grading Pattern (CAGP) is as follows. Students are provided opportunities to deliver seminars and write Assignments. Field work will provide hands-on opportunity to test theory in practice.

Course Type Credit to be Earned Total Credits
I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Semester
Hard core 15 06 03 06 30
Soft Core - 07 09 04 20
Open Elective - - - 04 04
Field Work 03 05 03 05 16
Major Project - - - 06 06
Semester Total 18 18 19 21 76

Research activities 

The Department is actively involved in research in the field of Human Resource Management, Medical & Psychiatric Social Work and Other areas of Social Development. The Department has received grants form University Grants Commission, SWRO, Bengaluru and completed three Minor Research Projects.

Networking with NGOs/ Industries/ Institutions

Field practicum is designed to provide scope to develop and enhance professional practice skills. Learning is aided though observation, analysis of social realities and experience of participation. Some of the Agencies are 

NGOs Industries
Shaktidhama L&T
Pratham Rane Madras
Sneha Kiran JK Tyres


Quality of our students is widely placed in reputed industries/NGOs / Government Organizations

NGOs Industries Institutions
Shaktidhama L&T MYMUL
Pratham Shahi Garments ZP Office
Sneha Kiran JK Tyres VCTC

Research Centre Recognition        

The Department is recognized as Research Centre to carry out research leading to PhD degree in Social Work of  University of Mysore through JSS Research Foundation.          


Head of the Department          
PG Department of Social Work         
JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science (Autonomous)         
Ooty Road, Mysuru – 570 025        
Mob: +91-9448653897         
Off: 0821-2548216; Fax: 0821-2548238         

Faculty PG

MSW., Ph.D. | Asst. Prof. & HOD
MSW, Ph D | Assistant Professor
MSW, PhD | Assistant Professor SSA, NISS, BL | Professor